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Bachelor of Education
(Early Childhood Education)

The early years in a child’s life are critically important for their development and learning. By studying a Bachelor of Education (Early Childhood Education), you’ll be able to play an important role in a high-demand field that nurtures a child’s desire and curiosity to learn.

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Study load

Approx. 12-15 hours per week* (see course structure)


3 years (360 credit points)


Jan, Apr, Jul, Oct


$4,627* per year

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Become a confident and qualified early childhood teacher with Federation University.

Whether you have experience in the early childhood sector and wish to upskill, or you’re seeking a fulfilling career change, Federation University’s Bachelor of Education (Early Childhood) will help you discover how young children learn, and the ways in which – as an expert teacher-practitioner – you can support learning and development through these important early years.

The course takes a hands-on approach to learning, drawing from the advantages of flexible online study. This will allow you to take the next step in your career with the specialised flexibility of online learning coupled with hands-on experience you need to integrate theoretical learning into practice within an early childhood setting. You will nurture children’s social, emotional and language development by designing a stimulating learning environment. Throughout the course you will complete a minimum of 80 days of placements.

Upon graduation you will have everything you need to teach in a variety of early education settings, including kindergartens, pre-schools and day care centres, as well as in special needs settings.

This qualification is professionally recognised by the Australian Children’s Education and Care Quality Authority (ACECQA), the national regulator of early childhood education and care in Australia. ACECQA accreditation ensures that early childhood education and care services meet high standards of quality and safety.

The Most In-Demand Teachers in Australia

Multiple schools around Australia have teaching roles that need to be filled, which means it’s never been a better time to study for a Bachelor of Education. The need for educators is trending upwards and is likely to remain high for at least the next ten years, particularly for high schools and early childhood education centres.

Read more.

Bachelor of Education (Early Childhood Education)

Course structure

Please note that study load will vary depending on the amount of units you choose to study and the credit point cost of that unit.

12-15 contact hours are estimated for one 15 credit point unit, while 24-30 are expected for those studying two 15 credit point units or one 30 credit point unit.

Code: EDBED1011

Credit Points: 15

In this unit, you'll learn to develop resources and skills that allow you to develop an engaging literacy and numeracy curriculum that is in line with teaching and learning for pre-service teachers (PSTs).

You will develop a strategy for these topics and apply this in an educational context. You will explore the components of language (grammar, phonics, spelling, vocabulary), literacy (speaking, listening, writing, reading and viewing), understandings of genre; and ways in which these develop engaging learning experiences. You will also explore the numeracy topics of number sense, fractions, the four operations and measurement as part of your study.

Code: EDBED1016

Credit Points: 15

This unit will introduce you to the process of teaching and learning, focusing on educators as reflective inquirers into professional practice. You'll learn to observe, plan, organise and monitor a range of teaching and learning approaches.

You will also gain an understanding of physical, social and intellectual characteristics of students and how these may affect their learning. The unit sits alongside a corequisite unit (EEZED 1711 Professional Experience: Learning and Teaching), that involves a five-day placement in an educational setting, relevant to the education degree being studied, where PSTs will have the opportunity to observe teaching and working with small groups.

Code: EDECE1019

Credit Points: 15

This unit will introduce you to the historical and contemporary theories of play and their implications for the practice of pre-service teachers (PSTs). You will learn how play contributes to development, with an emphasis on play in natural spaces. You will also learn about cultural diversity and explore play as a socially inclusive practice.

Code: EDECE2018

Credit Points: 15

In this unit, you'll explore the concepts of science and environmental awareness appropriate for young children in an early childhood environment. You will learn to plan and implement science activities for young children in prior-to-school settings. You will also explore the importance and impact of culture, diversity and inclusion in the planning and programing of science and environmental education experiences. In addition, you will examine appropriate contemporary teaching strategies and curricula approaches, including play-based and inclusive strategies and alternative curricula approaches.

Code: EEZED1711

This unit is to be completed with EDBED1016 as the associated first year professional experience in an educational setting such as an early childhood or learning centre. You will focus on active
observations, small group work, interactions with students and staff, and classroom planning, allowing you to begin applying knowledge and skills gained from your studies under the guidance of a Mentor Teacher/Educator.

You will complete five days of professional experience in an education setting for your particular course. You'll be required to complete the activities outlined in the Professional Experience Assessment Report. This will take place in collaboration with your school-based Mentor Teacher/Educator in the placement setting. You will also document your professional learning in Professional Experience Preservice Teacher Learning Log supported by your assigned University Mentor. The requirement to complete these forms will enable you to reflect on your learning and successful completion of the Professional Experience placement.

Code: EDECE1002

Credit Points: 15

This unit will provide you the opportunity to explore and understand development of young children. It will cover the physical, social, emotional, and cognitive development of young children to build Pre-Service Teachers’ (PSTs) understanding of how children feel, think, and are valued. PSTs will examine theoretical perspectives on how children learn from interaction with peers and significant adults. It will focus on how adults may best provide support and advocate to give each child a way to voice their own perspectives.

Code: EDECE2001

Credit Points: 15

This unit will examine diversity and difference through a range of theoretical lenses. Pre-service teachers (PSTs) will explore constructed categories such as age, ability, gender, sexuality, disadvantage and ethnicity, and consider how these may impact on children, educators, families and communities. Policies, organisations, resources and teaching practices that honour diversity and support participation for all children will be identified.

Code: EDECE2019

Credit Points: 15

In this unit, you'll learn to ensure a safe and healthy environment for all young children and staff in an early childhood education setting. You'll learn the importance of providing responsive and sensitive care in the development and learning of young children. This unit will focus on both physical care as well as social, emotional and culturally safe environments, including the mental health of young children. Multicultural and Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander perspectives will be explored, particularly in relation to developing family and community partnerships that enhance children's wellbeing. You will be prepared to identify and respond to common children's allergies, illnesses and emergencies and how to administer and store medications according to regulatory frameworks. You will also learn about the role of nutrition, hygiene and the handling of meals and snacks to meet the needs of children from diverse cultural and religious backgrounds.

Code: EDECE2021

Credit Points: 15

In this unit, you'll learn about the discourse surrounding wellbeing in relation to children within early childhood education and care settings. You will explore the concept of wellbeing in the area of psychological, mental health, social and emotional development. You will critically reflect on the determinants of wellbeing and how these can be promoted within education and care contexts. Upon completion, you'll have a variety of socially inclusive teaching strategies that also foster resilience in young children.

Code: EDECE2022

Credit Points: 15

This unit will examine how young children learn to communicate from birth to six years. Emphasis will be placed upon children from a diverse range of cultural and linguistic backgrounds and the ways in which family, community, and educational environments influence language and emergent literacy learning and development.

The unit will consider the literacy development of Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander children. Different theoretical perspectives will be explored so that you may develop a deep understanding of the development of oral language. Literature, including poetry and storytelling, drama, music and play, will be studied as pedagogy to foster language and literacy.

Code: EDECE2023

Credit Points: 15

This unit will help you to gain the professional skills needed for entry into the early childhood teaching profession. You'll learn about key organisations, laws, regulations, codes and the National Quality Framework for early childhood education. You'll learn about opportunities and challenges affecting the profession and reflect on your own identity as a professional.

Code: EDECE3022

Credit Points: 15

This unit is designed to give you insight into current research and practices in guiding the behaviour of children from birth to eight years of age. You'll explore the core principles of child development learning theory and care to understand the importance of responsive and sensitive education for young children. You'll take into account social and cultural backgrounds and learn how to foster effective relationships with parents and carers in a collaborative approach to behaviour guidance.

Code: EEZED2723

Credit Points: 15

This unit supports the second year professional experience in the Bachelor of Education (Early Childhood Education) in which students complete 20 days in the education setting in an early childhood setting with children from 3–5 years. Students are required to complete the activities outlined in Professional Experience Assessment Report (Form A).

This will take place in collaboration with their Mentor Teacher in the education setting in which the placement occurs. The students will also document their professional learning in Professional Experience Pre Service Teacher Learning Log (Form B) supported by their assigned University Mentor.

Code: EDECE1020

Credit Points: 15

This unit is designed to provide pre-service teachers (PSTs) with skills and knowledge to effectively observe, plan, and assess children’s learning within play-based pedagogies. You will explore a range of teaching strategies to plan play-based experiences to engage young learners. You will learn the importance of child, family and community consultation and partnerships in the planning and assessing of learning.

Code: EDECE2017

Credit Points: 15

This unit is designed to provide you with a sound understanding of the mathematics in the lives of babies, toddlers, and young children. It will explore theoretical, cultural, historical, and current approaches to teaching mathematics and digital technology.

You will explore regulatory requirements and family preferences and expectations, as well as ways to document and share children's mathematical learning with families. You will build a resource of learning experiences to meet a variety of mathematical content. Students will explore how these learning experiences can be modified to meet the needs of a range of children, including different ages, abilities, interests, and backgrounds.

Code: EDECE3029

Credit Points: 15

This unit introduces you to education and care for infants and toddlers with a focus on social and emotional development and attachment.

Using your knowledge of child development, learning frameworks and inclusive teaching strategies, you will plan engaging experiences for infants and toddlers. Reflection on values and beliefs about teaching, care, learning and relationships will enable you to develop your personal teaching philosophy and advocate for quality early childhood education and care experiences for young children and their families.

Code: EEZED3723

Credit Points: 15

This unit supports the professional experience in the Bachelor of Education (Early Childhood Education) in which the pre-service teachers (PSTs) complete a 15-day field based early childhood internship with children under three years. The PSTs are introduced to the individual and collective understandings of the education professional. Learning is framed within the context of developing practices and knowledge associated with becoming an active and engaged professional early childhood teacher. PSTs will examine verbal and non-verbal communication strategies to support the learning and engagement of young children. Effective communication strategies to work with the professional learning community and parents/carers are considered. Drawing on the relevant legislative policies, PSTs consider their ethical responsibility to young children and describe strategies that support the wellbeing and safety of young children in early childhood settings. PSTs are required to complete the activities outlined in Professional Experience Assessment Report (Form A). This will take place in collaboration with their Mentor Teacher in the early childhood setting in which the placement occurs. The PSTs will also document their professional learning in Professional Experience Pre-Service Teacher Learning Log (Form B) supported by their assigned University Mentor.

Code: EDECE3018

Credit Points: 15

This unit is designed to provide you with a deep understanding of the theory and pedagogical approaches of learning with nature as an alternative approach and pedagogy to curriculum design. Historical and contemporary approaches to nature programs will be addressed including the impact of Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander perspectives on early nature programs in Australia.

This unit will acquaint you with the value and benefits of learning with nature and how these approaches generate opportunities to differentiate teaching strategies and methods to meet a range of children's abilities, interests and dispositions, including children with special needs and those from culturally diverse backgrounds.

Code: EDBED3016

Credit Points: 15

You will be engaged in developing strategies for improving learning outcomes for Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander students. You will develop a broad knowledge, understanding and respect for Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander peoples, their histories, cultures and languages that will meet professional teaching standards. You will explore cultural protocols and inclusive pedagogies that develop positive and inclusive courses and outcomes for all students.

Code: EDECE3024

Credit Points: 15

This unit will focus on inclusion for children with diverse educational needs in the context of early childhood education and care settings. You will reflect on your personal beliefs and attitudes, and examine environmental and social factors to identify potential barriers to access and inclusion.

A range of principles, theoretical perspectives, legislation and practices to support the rights and needs of all children will be explored. The unit emphasises strengths-based approaches and collaboration with all stakeholders.

Code: EDECE3028

Credit Points: 15

This unit will explore music, movement and visual arts as a series of expressive and creative experiences that contribute to the development, learning and wellbeing of young children.

The unit will introduce you to various strategies and resources to plan, implement and assess arts-based experiences for young children.

Code: EEZED3712

This unit supports the third year professional experience in the Bachelor of Education in which students complete 15 days in the education setting specified for their particular program.

Students are required to complete the activities outlined in Professional Experience Assessment Report (Form A). This will take place in collaboration with their Mentor Teacher/Supervisor in the
setting in which the placement occurs.

The students will also document their professional learning in Professional Experience Pre Service Teacher Learning Log (Form B) supported by their assigned University Mentor.

Code: EDECE2016

Credit Points: 15

This unit is designed to introduce you to influential theoretical thinkers in the field of early childhood education. You will explore and critique both historical and contemporary theories of learning and development and the ways these impact upon curriculum approaches and pedagogy.

Knowledge and skills will be acquired which will enable you to develop a curriculum document incorporating a teaching philosophy, curriculum approaches, learning outcomes and pedagogy. A variety of early childhood educational contexts will be considered in this unit including multicultural and Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander perspectives on the teaching of young children.

Code: EDECE2020

Credit Points: 15

This unit is designed to allow you to explore the theoretical underpinnings and sociocultural perspectives of language development and literacy acquisition in early childhood. The symbolic representations of language through play-based pedagogies and other key literacy pedagogies in early childhood will be examined.

The design and function of multimedia texts, digital technologies, popular culture and new media is examined. You will explore socially inclusive practices that include language users that have English as an additional language, language and diversity and Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander literacies.

Code: EEZED4722

Credit Points: 15

This unit supports the final professional experience in the Bachelor of Education (Early Childhood Education) in which pre-service teachers (PSTs) complete 30 days of Professional Experience in an early childhood centre with children from three years of age to school entry.

PSTs are required to complete the expectations outlined in Professional Experience Assessment Report (Form A). Assessment of PST achievement against all Australian Professional Standards for Teachers is undertaken at the completion of the placement by the Mentor Teacher.

The PSTs will document their professional learning in Professional Experience Pre Service Teacher Learning Log (Form B) supported by their assigned University Mentor. They will also record reflections on their learning by completing the reflective Self-Evaluation Report (Form C). This will take place in collaboration with their Mentor Teacher.

Code: EDECE4004

Credit Points: 15

Children’s agency is centred on the beliefs that children have a right to participate in decisions that affect them, are capable of making choices and decisions, and can initiate and lead their own learning. In this unit, you will consider the frameworks and models of children’s participation in which the concept of agency can be considered and theorised. Social justice and children’s rights are considered as important interrelated concepts.

You will identify and discuss children’s agency and how it can be supported or inhibited. Ways of listening to children and ensuring their authentic participation, particularly with regard to their learning, are considered.

What you will learn

Acquire an adaptable and specialised teaching skill set – one that allows you to cater to the specific abilities and interests of young children, introducing them to a well-designed environment which generates learning opportunities through play, and draws out the innate creativity of young children.

Gain invaluable insights into how to develop and set up stimulating learning environments for young children, thereby facilitating countless of opportunities for creative exploration, deep engagement in learning and promoting respectful relationships with others.

Inspire young children’s sense of curiosity through nature, open-ended materials and technology, grounded in play both indoors and outdoors. Learn exciting teaching methods for the 21st Century.

Devise educational experiences that foreground creative play and fun, and that encourage engagement and learning.

Entry requirements

Admissions Criteria for current Year 12 students and recent secondary graduates (the past 2 years):


  • Units 1 and 2: satisfactory completion in two units (any study combination) of any Mathematics, or Units 3 and 4: any Mathematics;
  • Units 3 and 4: a study score of at least 20 in any English.
  • Minimum ATAR: 50

Admission criteria for applicants with a Higher Education Study:

  • Satisfactory completion of at least one year of tertiary study in a relevant field or successful completion of a tertiary preparatory course.
  • Meets the VCE Maths and English requirement benchmarks. Literacy and Numeracy test: If VCE Maths and/or English requirements or equivalent have not been met, a literacy and/or numeracy assessment is required to demonstrate the prerequisite requirements. Alternatively, applicants may elect not to complete the Literacy and Numeracy test and enrol in a nested 60-credit point course, the Undergraduate Certificate in Early Childhood Studies. On completion of this certificate, a student will be eligible to apply for entry into the Bachelor of Education (Early Childhood Education) with full 60 points of credit for units completed.

Applications with previous Vocational Education and Training study:

  • Successful completion of a TAFE qualification at Certificate III or IV in a cognate or appropriate area, such as Community Services, Education Support, Children’s Services, or Nursing; and
  • At least one year of experience in a relevant area of education or support service and;
  • Meets the VCE Maths and English requirement benchmarks. Alternatively, applicants may elect not to complete the Literacy and Numeracy test and enrol in a nested 60-credit point course, the Undergraduate Certificate in Early Childhood Studies. On completion of this certificate, a student will be eligible to apply for entry into the Bachelor of Education (Early Childhood Education) with full 60 points of credit for units completed.

The Diploma of Early Childhood Education and Care (on-campus) is a pathway into the Bachelor of Education (Early Childhood Education). You may receive 1 year of credit (120 credit points) through this pathway.


2025 Indicative Fees

$4,627 annual student contribution amount (Commonwealth Supported Place)

If you’re offered a Commonwealth Supported Place, your fees are subsidised by the Australian Government.

Your fees (student contribution) are set on an annual basis by the government and are determined by the discipline area and band of your individual enrolled units, not the overall course.  Each unit falls into a band which determines the student contribution amount.

Fees are adjusted on an annual basis and the indicative amount should be used as a guide only. Total cost will vary depending on the units you choose, your study load, the time it takes to complete your course and any approved credit you receive.

As a Commonwealth Supported Place student, you may be eligible to defer payment of your student contribution through the HECS-HELP loan scheme. Please visit our HECS-HELP webpage for further information.

You may need to pay some other fees such as the Student Services and Amenities Fee (SSAF).


The Bachelor of Education (Early Childhood Education) is professionally recognised by the Australian Children’s Education and Care Quality Authority (ACECQA).

Support services

Be supported through your studies with services tailored to the online learning environment. Federation University Online personalises support for every student, accessible at every stage of your study journey.

  • Student advisors dedicated to answering your questions about anything from enrolment and course management to essay writing and technical support.
  • Online Learning Advisors (OLAs) guiding you through your course, bringing industry experience and expertise in online learning to your studies.
  • Study and assignment resources to help you get the most out of each unit and submit high quality assessments.
  • An online community made up of a diverse network of students, who you’ll study alongside in learning groups and discussion boards.

Flexible study requires flexible support – discover the services available to you so you can go further.

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Career outcomes

Create a welcoming and creatively designed learning environment for kindergarten-aged children. These children may be within a standalone kindergarten setting or within a long day environment.

Guide children from birth to school-aged entry in a variety of early childhood contexts, and play a pivotal role in encouraging children’s creative expression in the form of art, music, movement and more.

Develop curriculum and educational courses to mentor teams and lead the way to nurturing exciting learning environments for children.

Hear what one of our students has to say

Melissa Northway – Bachelor of Education (Early Childhood Education)

Being an Early Childhood Teacher

With a Bachelor of Education (Early Childhood Education), you will be equipped to work with a range of early childhood education roles, including:

  • Kindergarten teacher
  • Early childhood teacher
  • Early childhood educational leader.
The demand for Early Childhood Teachers is on the rise, with a projected job growth of 21.6% over just the next five years.
The most common annual salary for an Early Childhood Teacher in Australia is $88,000.
Early Childhood Teachers have a vital role to play, preparing young children for their schooling and future life skills, and doing so at a vital time in their developmental journey.


2025 Indicative Fees

$4,627 annual student contribution amount (Commonwealth Supported Place)

If you’re offered a Commonwealth Supported Place, your fees are subsidised by the Australian Government.

Your fees (student contribution) are set on an annual basis by the government and are determined by the discipline area and band of your individual enrolled units, not the overall course.  Each unit falls into a band which determines the student contribution amount.

*Fees are adjusted on an annual basis and the indicative amount should be used as a guide only. Total cost will vary depending on the units you choose, your study load, the time it takes to complete your course and any approved credit you receive.

As a Commonwealth Supported Place student, you may be eligible to defer payment of your student contribution through the HECS-HELP loan scheme. Please visit our HECS-HELP webpage for further information.

You may need to pay some other fees such as the Student Services and Amenities Fee (SSAF).

Why study Education at Federation University Online?

When you undertake an Education course with Federation University Online, you study units designed to ensure you’re readily employable come graduation and equipped with skills to help you succeed.

Our Education courses are rated 5 stars for Full-Time Employment, with 85.5% of graduates being employed full-time four months after completing their course.

85.1% of students were happy with the learning resources provided during their education course.

80.7% of students were happy with their skills development during their education courses at Federation University.

Meet the people behind your course

Dr Sue Emmett is currently working as Senior Lecturer in Education at Federation University where she coordinates and teaches in Bachelor of Education in Early Childhood course. Dr Emmett has been extensively involved in early childhood education and the translation of research into the practical environment for over thirty years. Her research interests include the well-being of children and educators including trauma informed practice in early childhood contexts.

Dr Kathy Swinkels moved to Federation University in 2017 and holds a Doctor of Philosophy and a Bachelor of Early Childhood Education (Hons). She has a long history of research and teaching in the field specialising with expertise in Mathematics and Pedagogy. She enjoys the challenge of teaching students to understand the connections between theoretical learning and building an understanding of their own pedagogical practices.

Dr Alison Lord is a senior lecturer in Education and Early Childhood in the School of Education at Federation University. Dr Lord has taught education at a range of universities and has been involved in many community-based pre-school services and education settings. She is also a member of the Victorian Curriculum and Assessment Authority Early Childhood Learning and Development Advisory Board.


Federation University has been an incredibly supportive environment to study in – even online. And having spoken to friends attending other universities, I believe Federation is the best choice for early childhood education.

- Stephanie Jeffery, Online Student, Education

Stephanie Jeffery

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