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How To Become a Nutritionist: The Ultimate Guide

A career in nutrition is perfect if you’re interested in the health benefits that can come from thoughtful and informed eating. If you have a passion for healthy food and want to help others improve their wellbeing, you should consider becoming a nutritionist.

In this article, we’ll provide guidance on how to become a nutritionist in Australia, and point you towards the best study pathways to get you to your goals. We’ll also explain what professional nutritionists do, and give you tips for gaining experience in this industry. 

What does a nutritionist do?

The word ‘nutritious’ is frequently used in the discourse of food and healthy diets, but what does it actually mean? Harvard Health defines nutrition as the fuel your body needs ‘to maintain your brain, muscle, bone, nerves, skin, blood circulation, and immune system’. This fuel comes from the food we eat, and it serves as the ‘building blocks for muscles and tissues’. 

Our food intake can have a major impact on our health, with proper nutrition playing an important role in the prevention of non-communicable diseases (NCDs). According to the World Health Organisation, malnutrition – including both undernourishment and obesity – is a serious problem for individuals and communities across the globe.  

The role of a clinical nutritionist is to provide people with evidence-based information about healthy eating habits, and help them work towards their health goals. Nutritionists also provide advice to individuals and organisations about how diet is linked to wellbeing and disease prevention. 

The Nutrition Society of Australia explains that nutritionists essentially work as advisors and educators. Their duties can include:

  • Designing, coordinating, implementing and evaluating health interventions, with the goal of improving wellbeing through food and nutrition
  • Creating and implementing meal plans
  • Monitoring the progress of individual clients against their health goals
  • Adjusting dietary guidelines based on feedback and assessment

What is a registered nutritionist?

In Australia, there isn’t any legal protection over the use of the term ‘nutritionist’, meaning that anyone can use this title regardless of their educational background. 

However, the Nutrition Society of Australia has established a Register of Nutritionists for its members, to recognise those with accredited nutritionist qualifications. This ensures a high standard of professional practice within the industry.

What’s the difference between a nutritionist and a dietician?

Seek defines a nutritionist as someone who provides ‘evidence-based food and diet advice’, and a dietitian as ‘a qualified expert in diet, nutrition and health’. The key difference between the two is the level of education: you can become a registered nutritionist after completing a Bachelor of Food and Nutrition, but to become a dietitian you’ll need to complete some form of postgraduate study. 

As Dietitians Australia explains, the dietetic profession is heavily regulated. Professional dietitians need to have a dietetics degree from an Australian uni, and those with an Accredited Practising Dietitian (APD) credential remain committed to ongoing training throughout their careers.

How do you become a nutritionist?

Our Course Consultants often get asked if it’s hard to become a nutritionist. If you have a genuine passion for food and health, and you’re committed to your study goals, your journey of becoming a nutritionist should be smooth. Studying a degree can feel challenging at times, but if you choose a uni with excellent student support services, you’ll have the help you need to succeed. 

Studying a Bachelor of Food and Nutrition at Federation University Online provides an excellent pathway to a career in nutrition. Our student support has been rated five stars over five consecutive years – the longest sustained level of student satisfaction of any university in Victoria. 

Not only will our bachelor’s program equip you with knowledge in human physiology, it will also give you a sound understanding of business principles. Upon completion, you’ll be able to register with the Nutrition Society of Australia so you can jump into work across a variety of settings. 

What qualifications do you need as a nutritionist?

Although use of the term ‘nutritionist’ isn’t regulated, studying a Bachelor of Food and Nutrition provides numerous advantages. Above everything else, getting qualified will make it possible for you to give the best possible health and nutrition advice, using information from reliable sources. 

The Australian Institute of Fitness explains that to become a certified nutritionist, you’ll need to gain qualifications that allow you to apply for accreditation. This will make it easier for you to succeed in your career, and it also means you can be covered for insurance. 

The best degrees for nutritionists will give you a solid understanding of physiology, while also giving you the skills needed to excel within the nutrition industry. Studying at Federation University Online also gives you the benefits that come from flexible learning, so you can fit your study in around your work and family commitments. This makes our Bachelor of Food and Nutrition a particularly great choice for those who are considering a career change. 

As part of our food and nutrition degree, you’ll learn:

  • The role food and nutrition plays in disease prevention and chronic disease management
  • How macronutrients and micronutrients function, and their relationship to an individual’s overall health
  • The role of food in relation to lifestyle, and how societal, cultural and emotional factors can influence food habits
  • Business management skills, to help you confidently run a small business or work as a consultant

Feeling inspired?

If you’re hungry for more information, head over to our Bachelor of Food and Nutrition page, or get in touch with one of our helpful Course Consultants. You can also download a brochure to learn more about the course contents, as well as career pathways, how online study works, and course fees. 

To get started in your journey to becoming a nutritionist,  apply online today.